Showing 3 Result(s)

Is the Crypto hype worth its hype?

Nowadays, we are receiving sales brochure pamphlets from crypto-currency exchanges wrapped with our shopping orders or daily newspapers. Crypto-currency promotion has now reached the point where brochures are put inside the groceries we buy. Yet, as we now learn, the real picture of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies is considerably more complex and confusing than we …

Non-Fungible Tokens – A risky bet?

What is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)? If you’re unfamiliar with the word ‘non-fungible token’, then it’s necessary to firstly try to understand what ‘fungible’ means, what a ‘token’ is, and what features distinguish a token as ‘fungible’ or ‘non-fungible’. First let us see what a ‘token’ is: A ‘token’ can be anything that is used to symbolize value, …