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  1. Does the law of diminishing marginal utility apply to investing as well?
  2. What are the key aspects to consider while investing in ETFs?
  3. How investors can enhance their returns from ‘Fixed Income’ instruments?
  4. Do Minors have to pay tax on their income?
  5. Why are retail investors safer if they stay away from derivatives?
  6. What are the three important factors that we need to consider while planning for our retirement ?
  7. How to make children to be financially responsible?
  8. What is e-Insurance?
  9. Gold is a good hedge against equity, but is it a good hedge against Bond as well?
  10. What is Loss aversion bias?
  11. An easily relatable example of Base rate fallacy:
  12. How Insurance bought under the MWP Act can help protect your wife
  13. How to streamline your way to success with investments?
  14. How to understand and navigate Health insurance, especially when you or your parents have chronic illness?
  15. What is known as ‘Base Rate Investing’?
  16. Why investing in micro caps often leads to losses for retail investors?
  17. What are the tax implications of transactions between spouses?
  18. A quick comparison of Equity Vs Gold Vs Real Estate
  19. What are some of the pointers that we need to keep in mind when it comes to health insurance?
  20. Is India slowly transforming from a ‘Savers’ ‘nation to ‘Investors’ nation?
  21. Do you need Gold in your portfolio?
  22. Are Indian Households investing more in stocks ?
  23. Should you use equity to achieve your life goals?
  24. Why do we fall into the vicious circle of leveraged spending?
  25. What is ‘Sequence of returns’ risk?
  26. What is ‘side pocket’ in mutual funds?
  27. In a Health insurance plan, what is the difference between top-up, super top-up and unlimited restoration?
  28. Should we en-cash our FDs for emergencies or is it smarter to take a loan against the FDs?
  29. What do we understand by the term ‘PEG Ratio’?
  30. What are some common mistakes that could affect your credit score?
  31. Should you involve your spouse in all investment decisions?
  32. Which one is better – Government Bonds or Bank Fixed Deposits?
  33. What are the Fees associated with a Home loan?
  34. How to avoid potential fake insurance agents?
  35. Can you get better results by investing in last year’s winning mutual funds?
  36. Is it wise to link Insurance with Stock market?
  37. How to make your kids to be money-smart?
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