Showing 97 Result(s)

How to make your SIP more effective?

According to the most recent SEBI data, a rising percentage of Indian investors are using SIPs to invest in mutual funds. While a disciplined investing approach may make a substantial contribution to wealth growth, it is critical to carefully plan investments and avoid rash selections over a certain time period. Here are a few factors …

Who inherits parent’s debt?

We would have been seeing in newspapers and hearing about stories from our friends, relatives, and others on how people are stressed out when insistent creditors come knocking on their doors, when their parents or their dear ones have passed away, and they have left out some outstanding loans. Unfortunately, it is typical for descendants to …

Should you invest in alternative assets?

First, let’s define alternative assets. An alternative investment is a financial asset that does not fit into any of the traditional investment divisions. Traditional asset types include equities, bonds, and cash. Simply said, these are not classified as standard financial assets like cash, fixed deposits, stocks, bonds, equity, or debt mutual funds. Alternative assets comprise assets …

How to make children to be financially responsible?

In today’s age of luxury and consumerism, it is difficult to teach children financial responsibility. Here are some strategies for teaching our children financial responsibility. Children mimic their parents’ saving, spending, investing and borrowing habits. Actions talk stronger than words, and financial responsibility is not taught but rather ingrained from childhood. The path begins with the …